Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Our latest task!

When we bought our house, I wanted the trees along the side cut down as soon as possible. Well I finally got my wish! What a mess!!!!! My dad and some guys he works with, along with our neighbor (Steve Fowler for those who know who he is) brought in the track hoe and got busy! Jadalie loved every second of it.(She watched from the safety of our bathroon window.) I tried to take the before and afters from the same spot but it didn't work so well. I had an ok garden going.... cucumbers and squash were flowering and the pumpkins were vining out, but is almost ALL gone now. Guess I'll just have to make up for it next year:) But anyway, now I can get the hedges in and get a lawn made up of the same grass all around, not eight different kinds.


(people didn't even know about the two sheds)



This is what David got out of the deal

Ouch, and the pic doesn't even do the redness justice AT ALL!!!

Annalyn had the right idea:)

Jadalie being her happy self!

Her hair is falling out:(

Lil miss Faith ran into a door(the skinny edge), anyone surprised hehe!
Isn't she so beautiful, even with a wounded head?!?

Monday, July 7, 2008

quote of the day

I saw another blog that had quotes of the day from her children and I am going to steal that idea!

Quote of the day- as Jadalie ran to her dad with a little frog that decorates their bathroom she says, "Look daddy, a f***!"

Someday she will get all of her sounds right:)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Annalyn was finally blessed.

It has been a busy week for us, and the Wilson Bros. construction company that is replacing our water and sewer lines! We have been trying to let the girls splash around in their pool and keep our grass watered and keep the garden alive! It has been really hot! I can't wait for a swamp cooler! Our friend Steve married Melinda on the fourth. David was in his line. We had Annalyn blessed on Sunday, Jon has the most amazing way of speaking, the spirit was soooo strong!!!There is more that fills the space but those are the highlights:)

I can never get them all to smile at the same time:(

Annalyn in the blessing gown we borrowed from Jessica

Couldn't help but try and eat it!

Looking at the street from the far end of our yard.

My Daddy!!:)

Jadalie figured out that if you push the sides down, the water comes out.

She then drained the pool completely.
We had all the extra blanket there because the cement is very smooth and slippery, we traded bruised knees for a sopping wet mess:)

David looking good for the wedding.