Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Been a while

So it has been QUITE a while since I posted last:) Whoops! I don't even have a good excuse. Everyone seems to send out letters at Christmas giving you a run down on their year. I love that idea but ha ha never even got around to that. Linda brought copies of the last few years worth of hers to let us read(actually from 92). I love things like that. Almost as much as looking through photo albums, even if I don't know the people. I might have done this at your house ha ha ha! any way I thought I would do that about our boring year.

The year started out well with David being at his new job for 4 days, he started December 28th of 07. Then we had a Chuck E. Cheese party for Faith's 8th birthday in January. I threw a baby shower for Jess on the 27th and she in turn surprised me during the shower with a party for my birthday which was that day. She is sooo sweet. February brought a Spongebob party for Jadalie's 2nd Birthday. March was uneventful if I remember right. In April we got our baby Nani. I was planning on going back to work after 4 or 5 weeks but it ended up being 7 I think. It's always good to have a physically easy job;) I think May was when we wanted to go to Utah and visit but no go on that one. So we just enjoyed the new baby, and I started this blog. In June, my sister Misti had a baby girl named Triniti. I wish we could watch her grow but she is too far away, STUPID California anyway!!!! In July David was in our friends wedding and we tore out all of our trees that lined our yard. What a mess!!! David got such a bad sunburn!!! Annalyn was blessed that month also. In August we had another Spongebob party for David the grown man:) I should have bought him a halloween costume and let him wear it on his special day;) Silly guy. Semptember brought our anniversary. 4 year!! WHOO HOO! Such a small amount of time to get married, have 2 babies, and buy a house! In october I chopped my hair off, Nani got really sick and then there was Halloween. The girls did so great, I would never have guessed it would go as smooth as it did. My good lil punkins. In November Annalyn started crawling and the little poop tries to walk already. We also made the ornaments for our tree. This month we have not really done that much as someone is sick at any given time. It either a snotty nose or the flu. I have had a cold that wont go away for weeks. Not a bad one it is hust annoying. Everyone has now had the flu. Everyone else got it last week and I got it this week:(
Well thats our year in review! Wow, we are boring people!!! Next year it will better I promise! Well here are a few pics.
Here is our pretty pink tree with the piles of gift that David doesn't think is enough the softy. No wonder my girlies are spoiled.
Annalyn finally gave into the sippy cup for me ha ha!

Jadalie LOVES popcorn!!

I tried to get a shot of Annalyn's little tail! It is sooo long. She kept turning her head but you can see how long it is even snaking down her neck. Furball!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

So I saw this on Margaret's blog and I messed with this thing for hours!!!! I got a couple that I liked and threw them on.(the otheres are on previous posts cus I didn't want to take the time to add them all on one) Jadalie's seemed to show Oprah and Leonardo Di Caprio the most so I am going to look for different pictures to try. This is WAAAAAAAAAY fun and there are other things too like seeing who your kids resemble more. And to all of those who gave me permission to add you, I thank you and I will get to that another time cuz right now is my window for a shower and those with small children know how precious that is!!!!!!!! I will get the morphs of the rest of us and add those as soon as I can!

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Dynasty - Pedigree

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities