Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Few Jadalie says/Nani news

Should start with Annalyn probably. She has two new teeth!!! She cut some top molars! She has her two front bottom teeth and that's it. Weirdo kids I have;) Someday she will get her other front teeth.

And now for Jadalie.
The other night she snatched my phone and when I grabbed it from her she yelled at me!! "No, I just need to text. I textin' my dad!''
Snotty lil cuss:)

Last night(at about midnight-we stayed up sooooo late) I told her we needed to go to bed. She said it wasn't nigh-night time and I told her it was dark so it was time for bed. She asked Clark to take her out side and turn the sun on. Sooo cute!!!

Earlier that evening we were talking and she told me that girls are princesses and I said that boys are princes and she said NO. I tried to explain it to her but thats was futile. She said girls wear princess dresses to church and boys wear "tides". She does always have to have a "princess'' dress on to go to church. It HAS to flare out when she spins or it isn't a "princess'' dress and she cries the WHOLE time at church. Makes for a long three hours even if I do
get to ditch her in nursery!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Going for it.

So I have decided I am not going to wait until my divorce is final to start dating because seriously....I have NO idea when I am going to be able to get the money together to have everything done that it takes to even file the papers. He is supposed to be paying for all of that but he isn't even able to give me any money to take care of my girls at this point. EVERYONE had been telling me it is ok to start putting myself out there. They think it will help me to come to terms with what is happening and accept the changes in my life. They also think it will help me to let go if I realize that he isn't the only one out there. I keep getting told that there is not anything wrong with getting to know people and there really isn't. I will do NOTHING to jeopardise my temple recommend or dishonor my marriage. I meant the vows I made and will be faithful to them until I am lawfully divorced. So if anyone knows any good guys left that wouldn't mind dating a fat chic(who is still legally married at this point) with a couple of small children....hook me up:)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

So the Byron carnival was not quite what I expected but hey, it was free and my girls had fun and I got the snow cone I have been wanting oh so badly. I thought there would be rides but there was just cute little kiddie stations. You know, like where you fish over the wall with a string and a clothes pin and get prizes. They did have food which was good. Jessica's and mine were a bit cold but it was still good. Not nearly as good as my snow cone;) Anyway, I tried to take pictures but that was a bit of a fight. My kids would run in different directions if I let them go!! Imagine that. Taylor Jolley and Bree sp? helped and so did Micki's kids Ivy and Lexi. I am so spoiled with all of the people lately helping me with me kids. Like when I mowed the grass Thursday and I was in the back and Jadalie opened the front door letting Annalyn and herself escape and Nani headed straight for the street and my sister's grandma came to get them!!!! Then Jazz and Taylor came and took them while I finished:) Have I mentioned how great Jem's kids are? I don't know what I would have done this week without Linda, Jon, Milisa, Bobby and Jazz!!!! OK so back to Byron..........
Of course this is how Jadalie needed to start the night. She was so excited she started running. We were still in the street. For as hard as she hit(you could hear the smack/thud) it didn't do much damage!

She got quite happy after she got these. She just waved and waved:)

Jadalie and Rylee and the duck pond. Dalen is in the orange in the back and Abby is next to him(Rusch children, Rylee too).

Of course Nani needed to try too!

Didn't like me laying her in the grass. She did like the leis though.

All in all it was a fun hour and some change. That was all I could take!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Byron Carnival

So we are about to head off to the huge city of Byron for their free carnival as it is Byron's days this weekend. We don't even know where it is! Oh my gosh I hope it doesn't take too long for us to find it:) Wouldn't want to miss anything! I am pretty excited for the fireworks tomorrow though. I am soooooo glad my kids are to young to know about the parade and all of that stuff. I know we will be going to the Cowley parade next week and all of those fun things. I just think I will enjoy the break from all of those things every weekend for 3 weeks in a row until they get older and want to go to them all. Good thing there are only 3 little towns that do their celebrations in our little area. I will try to take pictures but I kinda suck in that department so no promises!

Wish me luck that I don't go to jail for beating someone else's child/ren should they mess with my kids tonight!!!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our 4th of July

We had a blast on the 4th, even if our day started at 5:44 in the morning with a whole package of black cats going off right outside my bedroom window(not really but I would have put money on it). So much for my one day to sleep in. Maybe next Saturday....yeah right:) Anyway.... The girls and I went to Cowley to celebrate with Jon, Linda, Milisa, Jazz, and Bobby. We went to Dave Rael's for a yummy dinner and then headed back to Jon and Linda's to set off the fireworks they had. We thought about going to the park to watch Dave's show but we just watched from the park. Even through the trees it was GREAT! Jadalie was sooooooo excited. She danced and sang and sang and sang all night. She was entirely too wound up but oh so cute! Well here are some pictures of our day.

I was getting sick of hearing "Oh Jennie, you look so tired." and "You look like you don't feel very well, are you ok?", so I decided to do my hair and put some makeup on. Hmmm I think they were right:)

Little miss happy face

Both girls loved snaps. Jazz was so patient:)

Bobby popping a snap with his fingers.

I have no idea what she was saying but it sure made a silly picture!

I think Annalyn wanted to eat the snaps.


About 2 minutes after this picture she put the bowl on her head and turned her hair white with cheesecake filling. She loved every second of t!!

Jadalie was singing "We are the champions" with her sparklers. Jazz got a silly video of it on her phone but it is too long to send:( Her sparklers went out before it was over so she freaked out and yelled "NO MORE CHAMPIONS!!!"

Fun Fun

The next day David came over to see the girls for a few hours. I can't even tell you how happy Jadalie was. She didn't want to let him go for a second. She was so sad when he left. She told him "I don't want to miss my daddy." :( She also said "I don't want my daddy to stole me." That is what she says instead of leave of left:) Jazz did a good job of distracting her when he actually left. Bobby an Jazz are the greatest kids ever. They have been so AMAZING to my girls. They take them out to jump on the tramp for 2 minutes and then haul them in and then right back out as soon as they want to jump again. They help them play, eat and with just about everything the girls want to do. I could not ask for better family members than the ones I have!!!
Faithers and Jazz

Jadalie doing the thing she loves most in this world....rock-a-bying with her daddy.

All in all our weekend was a good one. Hope yours was too!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


This is going to be a wonderful zucchini someday! As you can see I have not weeded my garden in some time. At the end of the day, after working and being with my girls I just don't have the energy to get out there. I have done a little and my sister came over too to help. You can now see my corn:) The weeds are as tall as Jadalie in some places:( I have been able to eat here and there and sleep is coming easier so watch out you pesky weeds, I'm coming to getcha!!! I am going to try and take a few pictures of the girls today in their semi patriotic clothes. I tried:) Anyway, I had better get them in the tub and ready for the day since it's just after noon!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th!!!