Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

My photo
Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Been a while

So it has been QUITE a while since I posted last:) Whoops! I don't even have a good excuse. Everyone seems to send out letters at Christmas giving you a run down on their year. I love that idea but ha ha never even got around to that. Linda brought copies of the last few years worth of hers to let us read(actually from 92). I love things like that. Almost as much as looking through photo albums, even if I don't know the people. I might have done this at your house ha ha ha! any way I thought I would do that about our boring year.

The year started out well with David being at his new job for 4 days, he started December 28th of 07. Then we had a Chuck E. Cheese party for Faith's 8th birthday in January. I threw a baby shower for Jess on the 27th and she in turn surprised me during the shower with a party for my birthday which was that day. She is sooo sweet. February brought a Spongebob party for Jadalie's 2nd Birthday. March was uneventful if I remember right. In April we got our baby Nani. I was planning on going back to work after 4 or 5 weeks but it ended up being 7 I think. It's always good to have a physically easy job;) I think May was when we wanted to go to Utah and visit but no go on that one. So we just enjoyed the new baby, and I started this blog. In June, my sister Misti had a baby girl named Triniti. I wish we could watch her grow but she is too far away, STUPID California anyway!!!! In July David was in our friends wedding and we tore out all of our trees that lined our yard. What a mess!!! David got such a bad sunburn!!! Annalyn was blessed that month also. In August we had another Spongebob party for David the grown man:) I should have bought him a halloween costume and let him wear it on his special day;) Silly guy. Semptember brought our anniversary. 4 year!! WHOO HOO! Such a small amount of time to get married, have 2 babies, and buy a house! In october I chopped my hair off, Nani got really sick and then there was Halloween. The girls did so great, I would never have guessed it would go as smooth as it did. My good lil punkins. In November Annalyn started crawling and the little poop tries to walk already. We also made the ornaments for our tree. This month we have not really done that much as someone is sick at any given time. It either a snotty nose or the flu. I have had a cold that wont go away for weeks. Not a bad one it is hust annoying. Everyone has now had the flu. Everyone else got it last week and I got it this week:(
Well thats our year in review! Wow, we are boring people!!! Next year it will better I promise! Well here are a few pics.
Here is our pretty pink tree with the piles of gift that David doesn't think is enough the softy. No wonder my girlies are spoiled.
Annalyn finally gave into the sippy cup for me ha ha!

Jadalie LOVES popcorn!!

I tried to get a shot of Annalyn's little tail! It is sooo long. She kept turning her head but you can see how long it is even snaking down her neck. Furball!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

So I saw this on Margaret's blog and I messed with this thing for hours!!!! I got a couple that I liked and threw them on.(the otheres are on previous posts cus I didn't want to take the time to add them all on one) Jadalie's seemed to show Oprah and Leonardo Di Caprio the most so I am going to look for different pictures to try. This is WAAAAAAAAAY fun and there are other things too like seeing who your kids resemble more. And to all of those who gave me permission to add you, I thank you and I will get to that another time cuz right now is my window for a shower and those with small children know how precious that is!!!!!!!! I will get the morphs of the rest of us and add those as soon as I can!

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Dynasty - Pedigree

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Permission please

I am asking everyone who visits my blog to give me permission to add theirs to my list. I go to a lot of peoples blogs through others. Does that make sense? I have found a lot of people I know, and some who I just know of. Anyway I go to a lot and like to see them but think it might be weird if I just put them on here so I was hoping that you all do the same thing!!! So if you are reading this then I have probably checked yours out through Jem or Kristin or Lauren etc. and still do so please leave me a comment and let me know I'm not a freak and there are others out there that do the same thing!!!! Because if you are not already on my list then you are just like me ha ha ha!!! I love seeing people I went to school with and their kids and how much they have changed and how their lives are going and all that jazz so...yeah...do it please:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

X-mas ornaments and extra pics:)

So I found this adorable pink tree for Christmas at Wal-mart and I am getting it for the girls. We decided with Nani about to walk that we should put the tree in the bay window in the dining room this year. It needed to be 4 feet or shorter to make room for a star at the top. The pink one is 4 feet!! So anyway, I was looking around online for kid ornaments because looong before the pink tree I decided that this years the tree would be a "kid tree". I was having trouble finding what I wanted so I thought we should make them!!! I have NO idea where the want for craftiness came from but it is turning out ok! Jess and I also just bought a bunch of stuff to make bows for our girls' hair since that seems to be the new craze. I love anything to accent their natural beauty:) and of course with the furballs we produce, we need hair control!!!! So anyway here are some pics of the ornament making fun.(we have only made a few just to get the hang of it since Faith isn't here until this weekend and that's when the major creation will happen)

I decided to do the prep-painting myself to save time, mess, and stress:)

Jadalie got to pick out the colors for the snowmen one by one as will Faith

I put on the hot glue and she put on the brim, scarf, and hanger on the back

Three little snowmen:)

And now on to some extra pics just because I can't get over how cute they are. Vain anyone???
Not so happy before church

7 months old today!!! She thinks she needs to try walking already

When I pulled out this dress she shrieked, "MY PWINCISS!" Not my princess dress, just my princess ha ha.
She had it on all night, even when we changed her into jammies at Jon and Linda's during Milisa's B-Day party she had to have it on over them!

Some "posing"

She wanted to keep trying. I bet this one would have been cute if I had a good camera.(and a clean house)

David brought me a flower and asked me out on a date(JESSICA!!) How sweet.

Some day I will stop plastering her butt on the web but this was too cute. She went into her room, took off her diaper, got out some of her panties, and tried to put them on herself. She got the wrong leg in the wrong hole and they got all twisted and this was what she was left with...ha ha get it...left. I know...I'm dumb;)

Sunday, November 16, 2008


So I'm sure that blogging on Sunday is not keeping the Sabbath Day holy but this involves church so I'm gonna do it:) As we were leaving for home after church this evening Jadalie had a semi tragic event happen to her;) As we entered the cultural hall, half of the lights were off. Jadalie looks up at me and sweetly says,"It's dawk in heeya, dat's naw posed to appen"(I'm tellin ya it's hard to make her words) I told her, "Nope, it's not." not thinking anything about it really. She kept saying it over and over and over and OVER as we walked across. It takes us a bit longer due to her midget legs:) By the time we got to the doors by the genealogy library I had to apologize to two ladies who were TRYING to have a quiet conversation before going their separate ways. By the time we got to the van she was livid because of course it was dark outside too!! She just wouldn't stop and like I said she was yelling at this point. She then decides
is my fault. She screams, "It's dawk! Dat's naw posed to appen! Why you do dat mama?!?!" I quickly told her that I did NOT do it!! She told me it was naughty and I agreed. She then decided they(whoever did it) needed to find a corner and have a "times out". I guess that means multiple time outs ha ha ha.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I like to go to the Powell Hospital page and look at the new babies. www.pvhc.org Some I know and some I don't and some I realize that I should, but hey, you can't tell most of the time who the kid belongs to right at first. They are all puffy and splotchy and weird looking! Sometimes there are characteristics that pop out, like Nani's ears she got from me(poor kid), or eyes or really looong Eyre fingers:) I love to see the changes they go through. Maybe the next few post will be stages of everyone. Mmm that could be fun, I LOVE pictures!
This is Annalyn when she was first born, all puffy and I was sure she was going to have a Shanor nose!!! She didn't:) Like I said before though, she did get my pokey outey fold down ears;) She very quickly went from this.....

To this! She totally has fuzzy-russian hair like her dad and sisters. She is much sweeter than her sisters though. I always thought Jadalie was a happy baby. She just wasn't a cry-baby or a fussy, grouchy girl. Nani is very much a HAPPY baby. She is always smiling and cooing and giggling.

So many people I know are having tiny little newborns it almost makes me want to get knocked up again already.....almost:) I need to wait until Jadalie is at least in school because, holy crap, daycare is expensive. But hey, can you really complain about the cost of care for your children if you aren't fortunate enough to get to stay home with them?!? Well, since I can't stay on the topic of growing fast I will get off and start planning the next "baby to now" post:)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jadalie's sillyness

So I don't even know if "sillyness" is actually a word, and if it is, if I spelled it right but oh well, right? Jadalie came running up to me the other day yelling "Honey, honey come heeya, honey, honey!" I probably should have prefaced this by saying that David never says my name unless he is talking ABOUT me. I tell him all the time that I like to hear him say my name but "Honey" is all I get. I joke with him and tell him he just doesn't want to slip and call me Debi ha ha ha! Anyway, I guess letting Jadalie call me honey is better than making him call me mama from now on right!!! Ha ha that might be funny;)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jadalie says...

So I was going to try harder to do the whole Quote Of The Day thing but as you can see I suck at that. There has been a few things lately that she has popped off with I would like to share.

"Mama, my bees is gone!!!!!!" she CRIED one day. I could not figure out what the heck she was saying, well what she meant. She pulled me into the room and I saw the credits to "Bee Movie" I about hit the floor laughing. Poor kid!

"Mama, what's wong you heya?"(what's wrong with your hair?) This is how she greeted me when I cut my hair. Now she just tells me, "Mama, you haiw-pway" (Hairspray) Just for the record, I DO NOT get my hair that big!!!

She is very much into the High School Musicals and Hairspray and Camp Rock and we watch them ALL OF THE TIME!!! I tried to videotape her one day and I told her to sing loud and she said, "Be white back, I get my mica-phone!" I can't really make the words she says very well:) Anyway, she comes back with a tension rod we had used for Faith's clothes upstairs. It is as tall as she is!! Too funny. (Of course the camera was dead AND out of tape.)

I will try to do better about keeping up with her weird talk and funny things she says.

I almost forgot....Annalyn is crawling!!!!! She has been rocking for a while but she is actually moving forward now. She did for Jon and Linda on Halloween night for the first time. She was going after my phone of course. No stopping her now. It makes me sad cuz I know they won't stop 'til they hit the door at 18:(

Saturday, November 1, 2008

multi-blog including Halloween

This is another post with lots of parts since I can't seem to keep up on it!!
First of all HALLOWEEN!!!!
Aww my lil punkins!

Cutest pumpkin patch ever!

Look sissy, pumpkins!

Enjoyin' the ride

On our way

Whoo Hoo bring on the sugar!!! I'm gonna get a cavity... here:)
And now for another part.
I have kept my camera handy lately just for these reasons. I have said before how grateful I am that Jadalie is so nice to Annalyn but here are some candid shots to prove it.
On Holloween morning after I got them dressed and was waiting for Nani's pant to dry I walked out of the bathroom to find this!! How cute huh ?!?

This kind of scares me but Nani loves to be on her feet and Jadalie is willing to oblige her anytime!! I just need her to realize that she can't let her go when ever she wants!!!

Next one
Nani had to get shots. Jadalie FREAKED! She kept yelling. "they hurt my pokey, they hurt my pokey!" I think she meant they hurt my sissy and they poked my sissy all at the same time. Jadalie gained 3 pounds so they won't be taking her away from me anytime soon. She is back on the charts whoo hoo! She now weighs 26 lbs and Annalyn is tipping the scales at a whole whopping 14 lbs and 7 oz.
Her legs got sore this time and everytime she stood up she would scream:(

And the next one
Faith had a part for the first time in our Primary program. She was awesome. I thought she would freeze and just look around or back at me but she rocked it!(I don't think rocking it sounds very reverent but thats the best way to describe it haha). She said her whole part perfectly!
Good job my brave one!
She got to wear what ever dress she wanted and she picked the one that I think Jazz gave her.

If you click on the picture you can see how it brings out the green in her eyes!

The last one
Jadalie let me curl her hair for church. I even got to curl her bangs. It makes her look so big. I know she will only be 2 for a lil bit longer but holy cow!
She will never just smile

That's as close as I got

I know I should not put pictures of my bare-butted child on the internet, but I couldn't help it. This is how long her hair is CURLED. When it is wet it reaches her tiny lil bum. Well thats all for today:)

Friday, October 24, 2008

My new haircut

So I have not had a hair cut in over a year. Not a trim, a shape-up, NOTHING! So Jessica and I decided at the spur of the moment to get appointments. I told David we were going out teaching with the Sisters ha ha. If you look at the date on my profile picture that is the last time I did anything with it. IT WAS OCTOBER 3RD OF LAST YEAR!!! Wow, when I told David I was low maintenance I wonder if he knew how low I meant. I let Cindy do what ever she wanted. Of course I had to defluff it when I got home. The who know her know she loves the 80's big hair!!! I was going to go really really short and do a bob with even shorter layers but I wussed out. Anyway here it is.
I thought I had better smile in one since I didn't in the before and afters.

It had grown out quite a bit.

See, no smiles here.

It looks yucky!! I don't see the back of my head often enough, guess I will take pictures from behind more often and maybe I will keep it up better ha ha!!

Oh so short.

And now for the truly YUCKY!!!!!

This is the frosting on a cake that was sitting on my stove. I had placed a cookie sheet upside down on the top but someone left a spatula in there so it raised it on one side. This is what happened....GROSS!!! (Those are tiny little mouse feet!)

I never even got a piece!!!! Little creep!

Monday, October 20, 2008


So this is a lot of info that has nothing to do with anything really. I threw on a bunch of pics that all have their own story. I guess I will tell them as we go ha ha.
Annalyn turned 6 months old on Saturday the 18th. Yeah 1/2 birthday girl!!!!

Sheer determination

This is a washed out picute of Jadalie's legs on a good day. All of the "pink" splotches are actually very red. I chose to take a pic after the bath cuz thats when you can see them rather than just feel the patches. Someday I will get a better camera. Should have taken the pic with my phone ha ha. Anyway, I want to thank those who tried and or did help. I will take any advice and try almost anything to help her. Elidel works really well and Angie sent us some cream called Protopic and Lauren told me about some lotion I am going to try too. We haven't had any bloody open owies in a while. We have pretty much got the whole, how often she can bathe, and how many of those times she can actually use soap, and what lotions work, and all of that stuff all figured out. I HATE WINTER!!!! It makes everything so much worse. Stupid dry air anyway!!

She is still happy anyway!

Nani's very most favorite toy. Wonder if that will effect her later:)

David and I will have been together for 5 years this coming Saturday. It has been a little rocky, especially lately, but we are trying. We love each other very much and I am looking forward to many more with him, maybe even time and all eternity:)


Can ya see all of the drool?!?

The trio

Two out of three looking ain't bad!

Jadalie wouldn't stop looking at the T.V.