Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jadalie's Party

Oh my gosh, this kid got A LOT of stuff! It was like Christmas! She is soooo cute. Everytime I would ask her what she got she would say, "Wait a minute, til I get the paper off!" Snot!
Here she is in her HSM cheerleader outfit
And now for the maybe I shouldn't have. These are supposed to be microphone cupcakes to go with the semi-HSM theme we were trying. Yea, it didn't work so well. I didn't go all out and get plates and all of that due to financial woes but it was kinda supposed to be like that. We put the movie on at the end and let her dance around with her pom-poms.

I started with normal cupcakes first as that is how I thought they were made. Good thing I had mini pans!!!! So this is what I did with the big ones. Not all that creative but hey, she's 3. I had better start stepping it up!!!!
So, I just now realized that looks like she is not #1 or 2 , but 3.....not 3 years old ha ha ha ha:)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Jadalie is 3!!!

Here I am at 11:30 at night finally getting around to posting that my big girl turned 3 today. In my defense, her party isn't until tomorrow. I just barely finished getting her cupcakes all done. I got off work at 6 and then we went to guess where.....China Town!!! I knew no one could have guessed:) My Wicks parents met us there and ate with us as they won't be able to make it to the party due to work. Then we did a lil shopping for party stuff and headed home. I should be sleeping right now but I felt guilty not posting about lil miss LeeLee and her special day, even if it is almost over:( Stay tuned for the sequel to "Sometimes you shouldn't"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ever wonder if you shouldn't have?

The title says it all. I was tired of ALWAYS having to put Nani's hair up in a pony or clips so I thought I would just cut the "bangs". It is actually the hair from the top, back part of her head that grows forward into her eyes. I thought if I just cut that it would be fine. The sides look so weird now. She has these....wing things that flip out and with the other "polished" hair in the front it looks a bit odd. These are fuzzy pictures from my phone but it gives the general idea. You can't really see it but her hair goes all the way to the tip of her nose. It is a little snarled in the picture so it is clumped up at the bottom.


I don't know.... what do you think? (that means anyone reading this, wether you know me or not!)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Warning: Turn down volume!!! :)

I got a little tooooo excited about Annalyn and I got really loud so consider yourself warned! Nani has been taking one or two steps lately with the help of bribery of course. We were trying to get just those couple little steps and she gave us way more than we were expecting. Like I said I got excited:)

And now we can get her to over and over again. Guess all she needed was to know that she could do it. Oh, the messes she is going to make;)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weight Watchers

So I went to my second Weight Watchers meeting tonight, ya know, the one where you see if you have made any progress. I was a little nervous. I have been tracking very well and making good choices and only cheated today with birthday cake we had for one of the electricians doing the remodel at the store. Boy did I bomb on that. It was soooo good! Anyway, at the weigh in I weighed exactly 2 pounds less. I lost 2 whole pounds. There is like a package of hamburger less on my body!!! I am so excited!!! I really like that I lost what is recommended. I sure would have liked to hear 5 or so but then I would have been sad the next time if it was only 1 or 2. I am even ok if I stay the same here and there but no more of this gaining crap!!! Tithing, Weight Watchers, I am on my way to a better me! Look out temple here I come!(hopefully soon anyway)

Sorry if that sounds like a "Whoo hoo for me, I am awesome!!!" post. I am just happy... and a bit lighter;)