Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

My photo
Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Friday, October 24, 2008

My new haircut

So I have not had a hair cut in over a year. Not a trim, a shape-up, NOTHING! So Jessica and I decided at the spur of the moment to get appointments. I told David we were going out teaching with the Sisters ha ha. If you look at the date on my profile picture that is the last time I did anything with it. IT WAS OCTOBER 3RD OF LAST YEAR!!! Wow, when I told David I was low maintenance I wonder if he knew how low I meant. I let Cindy do what ever she wanted. Of course I had to defluff it when I got home. The who know her know she loves the 80's big hair!!! I was going to go really really short and do a bob with even shorter layers but I wussed out. Anyway here it is.
I thought I had better smile in one since I didn't in the before and afters.

It had grown out quite a bit.

See, no smiles here.

It looks yucky!! I don't see the back of my head often enough, guess I will take pictures from behind more often and maybe I will keep it up better ha ha!!

Oh so short.

And now for the truly YUCKY!!!!!

This is the frosting on a cake that was sitting on my stove. I had placed a cookie sheet upside down on the top but someone left a spatula in there so it raised it on one side. This is what happened....GROSS!!! (Those are tiny little mouse feet!)

I never even got a piece!!!! Little creep!

Monday, October 20, 2008


So this is a lot of info that has nothing to do with anything really. I threw on a bunch of pics that all have their own story. I guess I will tell them as we go ha ha.
Annalyn turned 6 months old on Saturday the 18th. Yeah 1/2 birthday girl!!!!

Sheer determination

This is a washed out picute of Jadalie's legs on a good day. All of the "pink" splotches are actually very red. I chose to take a pic after the bath cuz thats when you can see them rather than just feel the patches. Someday I will get a better camera. Should have taken the pic with my phone ha ha. Anyway, I want to thank those who tried and or did help. I will take any advice and try almost anything to help her. Elidel works really well and Angie sent us some cream called Protopic and Lauren told me about some lotion I am going to try too. We haven't had any bloody open owies in a while. We have pretty much got the whole, how often she can bathe, and how many of those times she can actually use soap, and what lotions work, and all of that stuff all figured out. I HATE WINTER!!!! It makes everything so much worse. Stupid dry air anyway!!

She is still happy anyway!

Nani's very most favorite toy. Wonder if that will effect her later:)

David and I will have been together for 5 years this coming Saturday. It has been a little rocky, especially lately, but we are trying. We love each other very much and I am looking forward to many more with him, maybe even time and all eternity:)


Can ya see all of the drool?!?

The trio

Two out of three looking ain't bad!

Jadalie wouldn't stop looking at the T.V.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This is poor Nani's belly after her recent bout of Roseola. She had a snotty nose and then a fever of 102F for a few days. We thought it was teething but when she started acting different and the fever would come back an hour and a half after tylenol we took her to the doctor.(she had a bit of the rash but she gets a little mottled when she is too warm) I didn't want to do the whole tylenol/motrin thing if there was an underlying issue. Her ears, throat, and lungs were fine so Ken told us it was teething like we thought. Then came the full on rash. Dalen, Jessica's baby got the rash the day we took Annalyn but we thought it was just from being hot or ear infections because he had a fever too and her kids break out when they get ear infections even though the doctors laugh at her when she tells them. Her kids act fine but when they get hives or a rash and she takes them in they always have ear infections. I wish doctors would learn that parents know more about their kids than any medical book could ever teach them. Anyway...so Dalen gets the rash the day we take Nani, she checks out fine, she gets it the next day and Jess takes Dalen cuz his is still there. Both kids seem to be teething as far as the doctors see. I got a parenting magazine the day Dalen went and it talked about common childhood ailments and I see Roseola and when I look at the symptoms they match perfectly!!! A little cold, a week or so of high fevers(which she still has at this point) and then a rash. I got online and looked at pictures of the rash and at the symptoms again and called Micki(daycare provider). She looked in her medical books and she agreed. We didn't take the kids back in because it is viral and the only way they say yea or nay is to look at the rash or take blood to see if there are antibodies present. The bad thing is that kids are only contagious BEFORE symptoms appear, not after so we exposed all the other kids before we even knew. After a while I remembered that Jadalie had this when she was a baby too. I was going to look at pictures cuz I'm sure I took some of her rash too. Anyway... Here are some pics. You can't even see how bad it was cuz my cheap camera flash washes everything out. My phone did a better job!!!
Here is the phone pic on the 3rd day of the rash

My normal happy baby before it all happened

So sleepy. See you can barely tell there is a rash.

It was really red all over

She even got it on her nose and all around her eyes. I wish the pictures could show it better

Damn paci anyway

Isn't her new hair cut beautiful!?!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I've been tagged.
i am: strong
i think: honesty is best even if it sucks some times(most of the time it does)
i know: I want to have my family forever
i want: to be a better person to those around me
i have: a good life
i dislike: people hurting others with no regard
i miss: family that lives too far away to see often
i fear: that I will fail my girls
i feel: sleepy since I had to get up at 3am to go to work for a bit
i hear: Nani waking up from her nap and Jadalie singing in her room
i smell: NOTHING! stupid plugged up nostrils ;)
i crave: loves from my kids, they dole them out to Daddy all the time but get stingy with me
i cry: When Jadalie finally gets something and never needs my help with it again(sappy!)
i usually: show anger faster than any other emotion
i wonder: when David will get to come home today
i regret: not forgiving my mom sooner(even though I have never told her out loud)
i love: the people in my life...all of them
i care: about the "outcasts" that people pick on
i always: yell
i worry: that my kids will notice AND remember everytime I mess up with them and never forgive ME
i am not: perfect
i remember: not much anymore...I think I got "pregnancy brain" and it has never left
i believe: that justice will be served in the end
i dance: in my head cuz my body never follows directions from my brain
i sing: terribly but my kids don't know any better yet:)
i don’t always: focus on the positive
i write: lots of notes for myself since I can never remember anything anymore
i win: umm I don't usually win
i lose: pacifiers
i wish: I could afford to stay home til my kids were in school and then go back to work
i listen: to people whine about gas prices everyday...quess what, I BUY IT TOO, SO SHUT IT!!!
i don't understand: when people let their kids go without so they can have things
i can usually be found: at Maverik...go figure
i am scared: of the dark...well not the dark i guess as much as what's in it
i am happy: period
I tag: Umm anyone who reads this since I'm not sure who all that is and if they have done this already!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008


I was just reading a bunch of different blogs, most of which, are by people whom I've never met. Some of them I just know who they are but don't know them on a personal level. Some of them are family! Most of the blogs I read are from Jem's list, and then ones from their list, and on and on. I hope no one thinks I'm some kind of weird voyeur, but come on, I live in Lovell and don't really have a life ha ha!! But wait a minute...if you are reading this then you got here from hers too:) (FYI- not all that I read are from hers, I like to use the next blog button at the top, some crazy people out there but hey, it take all kinds right!!!) Anyway.....I get really touched sometimes looking in on other peoples lives. Sometimes I feel the spirit very strongly and start crying and can't explain the feeling to my daughter when she says "mama cwyin?", or I feel someones pain, or I wish I could do the things they do, or I am grateful to know them, or I realize the things I want out of life. Everyday it is something different but it makes me think about my life in some way, whether it is good or bad. I know that sounds a little self absorbed but that is not how I mean it. I am thankful for the different things others blog about because it lets me see things in my own life I may not necessarily notice or realize is something to be thankful for. I take a lot of thing for granted as I focus on our financial troubles or working full time and trying to be super mom. I don't realize the good things my husband does as much as the things he forgets. I worry about money but forget that we are buying a home for our family and that some can't even get ahead enough for that. We have amazing kids and others fight to have children. I have a good job, it's a gas station but it's honest work and I make more than some people around here with "respectable jobs". I have a very flexible schedule and can be with my kids when they are sick. I have a husband who loves me and doesn't abuse me. I have a vehicle that can get me where I need to be even if the heater is on at ALL times.(see the pessimism I struggle with!) I have a very blessed life. I am growing spiritually, albeit slowly. I am learning how to be a better mom and wife. I hope I can learn to recognize all of the wonderful things I have and learn to be greatful for each and everyone of them. This is getting really sappy! Anyway, it's not to say that the things I read have prevoked ALL of these feelings, because once my mind starts on something, it usually goes on and on and on in a million different ways so that in the end I have no idea what started the string in the first place!!! None the less, thank you to those who put their lifes out there for others to reflect on. Now here are some pictues of three of the most important things in my life. They are most of the reason I try harder to be a responsible, loving person. They inspire ME!!!! Anyway... here ya go! (please forgive me for not having brushed their hair in most of them)

Faith was still tired from the trip over the mountain
Doesn't she look like she is older than 7!?!?
They are the easiest to photograph. Faith listens and smiles and Annalyn smiles all the time!
Jadalie was too itchy to want to cooperate, damn exzema anyway
Not the best but at least they were all smiling
Aww lovin' on the baby
It takes bribary to get Jadalie to look at me and not at Annalyn
Too cute
Splish Splash!
Curly Sue
She loves the bath. Maybe someday she will grow enough to bathe somewhere other than the sink, but then I will be sad about her growing up huh!