Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Fuzzy Russian anyone?

Not so happy after getting taken out of the bath she loves so much!

Better once we got her dressed

Even better when we plugged the hole:)

Aww before the bangs

"I old er mama," begs Jadalie.


Jem said...

Cute, cute, cute. Even looking like a fuzzy Russian. Love her smile. Miss you guys.

KrIStiN said...

Jennie, its' kristin (allred) Your girls are so stinkin cute!! I didn't know that you had three of them!! they are adorable..anyway..I was excited when i found your blog..it's nice to keep up with everyone! anyway...talk to you soon!!