Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Monday, October 20, 2008


So this is a lot of info that has nothing to do with anything really. I threw on a bunch of pics that all have their own story. I guess I will tell them as we go ha ha.
Annalyn turned 6 months old on Saturday the 18th. Yeah 1/2 birthday girl!!!!

Sheer determination

This is a washed out picute of Jadalie's legs on a good day. All of the "pink" splotches are actually very red. I chose to take a pic after the bath cuz thats when you can see them rather than just feel the patches. Someday I will get a better camera. Should have taken the pic with my phone ha ha. Anyway, I want to thank those who tried and or did help. I will take any advice and try almost anything to help her. Elidel works really well and Angie sent us some cream called Protopic and Lauren told me about some lotion I am going to try too. We haven't had any bloody open owies in a while. We have pretty much got the whole, how often she can bathe, and how many of those times she can actually use soap, and what lotions work, and all of that stuff all figured out. I HATE WINTER!!!! It makes everything so much worse. Stupid dry air anyway!!

She is still happy anyway!

Nani's very most favorite toy. Wonder if that will effect her later:)

David and I will have been together for 5 years this coming Saturday. It has been a little rocky, especially lately, but we are trying. We love each other very much and I am looking forward to many more with him, maybe even time and all eternity:)


Can ya see all of the drool?!?

The trio

Two out of three looking ain't bad!

Jadalie wouldn't stop looking at the T.V.


Lauren said...

Your kids are seriously super cute! :) I can't believe that you and David have been together 5 years! I was married 6 in June. Time sure goes fast. I hope that lotion works for you. There is also a bath oil that works great, too. Order it soon or I can do it for ya! :) I had NO IDEA that you joined the church! That is great!

Jennie said...

I joined a year ago this past June. I have been trying to get to the temple but I have two temple prep classes to make up and I have had a hard time getting that done. We also just got a new bishopric so I want to wait a bit before I start hounding people ha ha!! It will happen so I'm not to worried about it. Just excited:)