Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

So the Byron carnival was not quite what I expected but hey, it was free and my girls had fun and I got the snow cone I have been wanting oh so badly. I thought there would be rides but there was just cute little kiddie stations. You know, like where you fish over the wall with a string and a clothes pin and get prizes. They did have food which was good. Jessica's and mine were a bit cold but it was still good. Not nearly as good as my snow cone;) Anyway, I tried to take pictures but that was a bit of a fight. My kids would run in different directions if I let them go!! Imagine that. Taylor Jolley and Bree sp? helped and so did Micki's kids Ivy and Lexi. I am so spoiled with all of the people lately helping me with me kids. Like when I mowed the grass Thursday and I was in the back and Jadalie opened the front door letting Annalyn and herself escape and Nani headed straight for the street and my sister's grandma came to get them!!!! Then Jazz and Taylor came and took them while I finished:) Have I mentioned how great Jem's kids are? I don't know what I would have done this week without Linda, Jon, Milisa, Bobby and Jazz!!!! OK so back to Byron..........
Of course this is how Jadalie needed to start the night. She was so excited she started running. We were still in the street. For as hard as she hit(you could hear the smack/thud) it didn't do much damage!

She got quite happy after she got these. She just waved and waved:)

Jadalie and Rylee and the duck pond. Dalen is in the orange in the back and Abby is next to him(Rusch children, Rylee too).

Of course Nani needed to try too!

Didn't like me laying her in the grass. She did like the leis though.

All in all it was a fun hour and some change. That was all I could take!!!

1 comment:

nina said...

Wow, I never even knew they had a Byron carnival. Look what I was missing out on all these years ;)