Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No camera, favorite pics of Jadalie

So since my camera is out of commission, I thought I would post some pictures of each kid. I promise to do better with this than I did with the morph thing!!!!
I have really cute ones from when Jadalie was little but they are all on discs and if I got into those I would never find the time to post. So here are some from off of the computer:)

It looks like she is giving the princess wave after a piano recital!

Not too often that we get a good smile from her that gets caught on camera.

Lovin' our "crop" (she doesn't even like them)

Lookin' good

Just plain ol' cute!

Not dealing so well with the new baby:)
She would find a paci, get in, and fake cry

If you enlarge this one you can see how green her eyes used to be.

She was soo little when we bought our house.

This was her, as coined by Abby, "hilly-billy teeth" phase.
She didn't get her first tooth until she was 13 months old. We thought she got her fangs first like I did but it was actually her... next to middle front teeth. I have no idea what they are called. We assumed they were her fangs because of the big gap but she just got HUGE front teeth. Well 1, her other front one didn't come in for a long time hence, Hilly-billy teeth:)

This will be one of my favorties forever. This is Jadalie and Damon Summa when they were 6 or 7 months old. These two have lots of pictures together as Tiffany is one of my closest friends and we seem to get pregnant at the same time, ha ha that sounds naughty;) Her boys were actually due a month after my girls each time. Donavin came 7 weeks early so they didn't come out that way!!! Anyway check out the mohawk Jadalie used to rock, and those chubby cheeks, and roly-poly arms(her legs were that way too)!! Sooooo cute!

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