Of all the things I've been called in my life....Mom sounds the best

About Me

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Lovell, Wyoming, United States
I love being with my girls. They are what makes me... well who I am... a mother!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My great week!

This past week was great!!! Tuesday was my birthday so we started the celebrating on Sunday. I hate the way that just sounded, like whoo hoo it's all about me. Anyway, Linda made a wonderful turkey dinner. Yummy stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, need I go on? It was soooooo good. Milisa gave me the most perfectly colored digital camera!! It is the same color as my phone. I need to get a card for it and then the picture taking is on!!! I got a gift card to Pamida from Jon and Linda, yea David can't steal it from me!!!!j/k On Monday I made homemade chicken noodle soup over mashed potatoes. Mmmm. We had the Marchants, the Shanors including Emily, and Milisa over. I thought it would be a good idea to try and cut the tip of my thumb off:) It didn't hurt except for the initial cut but I almost passed out twice. How stupid is that. Once on the couch(well on the way I guess) and then in the kitchen when Jon was looking at it. DUMB!! It barely bled because I smashed the "flap" back down as soon as I did it so it wasn't the sight of my own blood or pain so who knows!!! Jon said it needed stitches so maybe it was the thought of needles being poked in for anesthetic and then the suture part. It hurts now more than then because I can not stop bumping it or snagging it and opening it again. Oh well, it will heal.(with out the stitches, since no way in heck was I going, I am a weeny sp?) My parents(Shanors) got me two flash lights, one of which is a crank one so no batteries!, and one of those oil things with the sticks coming out that smell good.(I can't for the life of me remember what they are called so if I remember I will come back and erase this:)) So on to Tuesday. David asked his mom to watch the girls and took me to, drum roll please......CHINA TOWN!!! I love that place. We got there at the most perfect time. Everything was fresh and full and delicious! I also got sooo many flowers and balloons from, David, Jess, Carrie,and Teresa. Kristie cooked some yummy things for me and Brandie gave me cookies and milk! On Wednesday Raichel wanted to take me to dinner, just me and her, since my husband took my on my actual birthday. Guess where we went! Haha, that's right. I can not get enough of that place. Oh wait, first I joined Weight Watchers. Guess I blew that right away!! I planned on starting today(Sat) since I had meals all planned out and it was a hectic week but I started yesterday anyway! On Thursday we had meeting in Cody at 2 so we didn't get home from work until 5:30 so McDonalds it was.(See why I wanted to start today) And yesterday I went visiting teaching so I made the chili I had planned on. We had the Rusch family over for that. What a great week. Now starts the weigh losing phase of my life. This year I plan on being 25 and skinny. Scratch that....25 and thin. I think I would look weird if I was skinny;) Like a short P ha ha. Those are the first thing to go away on some women but not me:( They could be a little smaller if I had it my way! Anyway, that huge post is all for now!!!


Kara said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad you got to celebrate all week...kids shouldn't have all the fun.

Joan said...

I think you must have been given a diffuser. Aren't birthdays fun especially when you spread them out over a week like I did. Happy Birthday and good luck on the Weight Watcher's goals.

Margaret Kay said...

Happy Birthday! (past) Sounds like you had a good one - Yeah! . . . BTW - What/where is China Town in Wyoming?

Jennie said...

China Town is a chinese restaurant/buffet. It is soooo yummy. Not much to pick from but good none the less!!